Sulkava Suursoudut – Outdoor Adventure at Its Best

Sulkava Suursoudut is more than just a rowing event—it’s an experience that combines outdoor adventure, the thrill of pushing your limits, the tranquility of nature, and the joy of teamwork.

It’s an unforgettable experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life!

Imagine yourself in the heart of Finland’s most beautiful lake scenery. The sun makes the water glisten as the rowers oars slice through the surface. Around you, cheers are echoing, and coxswains shout, “Pull, pull, pull” Every rower has come here to challenge themselves, give their all, and immerse themselves in the festive spirit of sport, the beauty of nature, and the sense of camaraderie. Do you want to be one of them?

Why Should Everyone Experience Suursoudut?

Sulkavan Suursouduissa arjen kiireet unohtuvat. Fiilis on yhtä aikaa kepeä ja kunnianhimoinen, kun hyväntuulinen kannustus, henkeäsalpaavat maisemat ja voitontahto saattelevat soutajia eteenpäin. Maaliintulon riemu ja itsensä ylittämisen tunne on jotain, mitä ei voi sanoin kuvata – se on koettava itse.

Kuten Sulkavan Suursoutujen soutulähettiläs Minna Nieminenkin sanoo, jokaisen suomalaisen tulisi kokea Sulkavan Suursoudut ainakin kerran elämässään.

Eikä vain siksi, että Suomi on tuhansien järvien maa.

Vaan siksi, että Suursoudut on ainutlaatuinen tapahtuma, jossa yhdistyvät fyysinen haaste ja luonnon kauneus. Saimaan luonto kapeine salmineen ja kallioisine rantoineen on vesiltä käsin katsottuna upea kokemus, ja jos hyvä tuuri käy, voit bongata myös saimaannorpan!

Parasta on kuitenkin yhteishenki: yhdessä tekeminen ja yhdessä kokeminen ovat niitä asioita, jotka tekevät tapahtumasta ikimuistoisen.

At Sulkava Suursoudut, the stresses of daily life fade away. The atmosphere is a unique blend of lighthearted fun and ambitious determination, as cheerful encouragement, breathtaking landscapes, and a drive to succeed propel rowers forward. The joy of crossing the finish line and the satisfaction of surpassing your limits are indescribable—you have to experience it yourself.


As Sulkava Suursoudut’s rowing ambassador Minna Nieminen says, every Finn should experience Sulkava Suursoudut at least once in their lifetime.

Not just because Finland is the land of a thousand lakes. But because Suursoudut is a one-of-a-kind event that combines physical challenge with natural beauty. Lake Saimaa’s narrow straits and rocky shores offer a stunning perspective from the water, and if you’re lucky, you might even spot a Saimaa ringed seal! The best part, however, is the sense of togetherness: the shared effort and shared experience are what makes this event truly unforgettable.

Outdoor Adventure for Everyone

Whether you’re a first-timer or an experienced rower, Sulkava Suursoudut offers an experience suited to all fitness levels. Beginners can opt for a shorter route, while seasoned rowers can push themselves on the longer courses.

Every route takes participants through the breathtaking scenery of Lake Saimaa, offering its own unique challenges. Participating isn’t about your fitness level—it’s about having a heart that beats for adventure!

Sulkava Suursoudut represents outdoor adventure at its best. It provides every participant with a powerful sense of accomplishment and as much physical challenge as they’re willing to take on.

Still Hesitating?

Are you still wondering if you should register for Suursoudut?

Rowing at Sulkava Suursoudut isn’t just a physical achievement; it’s a journey deep into the soul of Savo. It’s outdoor adventure where nature, movement, self-challenge, and community come together as one. Many rowers return to Sulkava year after year because Suursoudut is an experience they want to relive again and again.

So don’t hesitate any longer. Register and come to Sulkava to discover the joy of rowing. Leave your everyday life behind, grab an oar, and let the waters of Saimaa guide you! Whether you enjoy outdoor fitness or pushing yourself to the limit, sign up now and be part of the magic.