Rowing Forum discussion area
Myydään vuorosoutuvene
Quote from Guest on March 22, 2025, 4:18 pmHyvä harjoitus vene. Soudettu Sulkavalla useita kertoja.
Sisä säilytys kesät talvet
Hinta 250 €
Lohjan Seudun Soutajat
Lasse puh 0440467430
Hyvä harjoitus vene. Soudettu Sulkavalla useita kertoja.
Sisä säilytys kesät talvet
Hinta 250 €
Lohjan Seudun Soutajat
Lasse puh 0440467430
The Rowing Forum has different categories for discussion threads. In the forum, you can:
- Buy, sell, or rent boats and rowing equipment
- Look for a rower
- Offer yourself as a rower
- Arrange rides
The forum operates independently, and the content is not the responsibility of the Suursoudut organization.
However, we monitor the content, and inappropriate posts will be removed. When your post becomes outdated, you can comment in the discussion to mark the issue as resolved. Posts older than one year or those related to previous rowing events will be automatically deleted.
For the subject of your message, please use a sentence that best describes your matter, and remember to include your contact details in the discussion. You can also upload images (note: image filenames should not contain special characters like spaces, accents, etc.).